Partner Program

Earn money by hosting and sharing your content with Speedostream.

Earn a fixed amount per 10,000 downloads or streams. The payment amount is defined by the origin country referred to in the Level table / Worldmap below. To earn money with Speedostream, you just need to follow these simple rules:

  • Minimum payout amount - $10.00
  • Downloads or Streams are counted up to 2 within 24 hours per user
  • Rewards won't be counted if advertising is blocked
  • There are no rewards for automated downloads
  • Payout requests are processed within 24 hours
  • Large amounts of abuse notices against your files may result in suspension
  • Traffic from third-party apps will not count

Partner Program Participants must agree to abide by our Terms and Conditions and the Copyright Policy. Failure to comply may result in a temporary or permanent suspension of your account.

If you want to use Speedostream, then DM me at [email protected]